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The historic center

The Cathedral of San Pietro
The visit to the ancient heart of Fondi will certainly reserve surprises for the tourist who, in his wandering through the streets, will discover the Cathedral of San Pietro built in the 12th century on ancient pre-Roman structures. Entering inside we could admire the tomb of Cristoforo Caetani inside the "chapel of the cross", a marble bishop's chair and a splendid pulpit decorated with Cosmatesque mosaics dating back to the 13th century. Other works kept in the church are a Triptych of the Annunciation by Cristoforo Scacco and a painting of the Majesty with Saint Peter and Saint Paul by Antoniazzo Romano.
The churches of Fondi
The tour of Fondi's places of worship continues with a visit to the collegiate church of Santa Maria Assunta and the Madonna del Cielo Sanctuary built at the end of the 14th century by order of Onorato II Caetani. With a square plan with 3 naves, it has a façade adorned with 3 portals; the central one is decorated with a splendid lunette, where there are three statues, and is surmounted by a rose window. The suggestive interior preserves the sacred statue of the Madonna del Cielo, a ciborium from 1491 and some Renaissance altars.
Characteristic is the Church of the Madonna del Soccorso whose rural Romanesque appearance has a façade with 2 pointed arches supported in the center by a pillar. The interior has a single nave with round arches, while one of the most important pictorial works of the church is the fresco in the sacristy dating back to the 17th century.
The Church of San Domenico is also worth a look, where we find a beautiful square cloister made up of 22 pillars and two columns supporting the same number of pointed arches. The entrance portal to the chapter house and two mullioned windows stand out, one with a Gothic tracery and the other with a lance. The Church of San Francesco and the convent were built in 1363 and the internal hall has 2 naves. The church preserves a painting of the Madonna del Rosario dating back to the 16th century, probably created by a Dominican. Among the places of worship in Fondi we also point out the Church of San Martino dating back to the 13th century in medieval style and the Church of San Paolo.

The Caetani Castle and the Prince's Palace
Entering the main square of the city, our gaze will be captured by the monumental, as well as symbol of the city of Fondi, Baronial Castle of the Caetani built between the 13th and 15th centuries. You immediately notice the Cylindrical Tower, with a particular battlement, which stands out from a square tower. The other parts of the castle were built in the same period, including the other corner towers. To the visitor, the castle appears truly majestic, but fascinating at the same time, and thanks to its good state of conservation it is possible to visit it.
Next to the castle we find the Prince's Palace, reopened after a long restoration. The building dates back to the 15th century and is embellished with magnificent Gothic-Catalan decorations, since it was the Catalan Matteo Forcimanya who built it on commission from Onorato II Caetani. The establishment of the Museum allows you to visit the elegant and fascinating internal environments.
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